My First Day at School

How long can I stand in the burn until my feet go numb? Too long. Better to keep throwing stones into the deep bit. Maybe I’ll wake up a fish. I wonder where all this water comes from? Up that …

Bizarre Airport Experiences

Bizarre Airport Experiences

I travel a lot by plane even though it’s environmentally destructive and increasingly boring. Airports in places like Bucharest or Tirana used to be so different from anything we’d seen in the west – the airport terminal in Tirana, a …

The Psychology of Travel

The original name of this blog was “The Psychology of Travel”.

But what does this term mean? Is it some weird form of therapy? Am I a shrink? The answer to these questions is NO but I sometimes get mistaken …

Tibet and Nepal

Tibet and Nepal

I want to describe my last visit to Nepal, a fascinating little Himalayan country.

Thirty years have passed since I was last in Kathmandu. My presence there was both dramatic — I had been kicked out of Tibet — but …