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Letter to my MP about GAZA

I think the best thing we can do about the nightmare being inflicted onto the people of Gaza is to write to our Member of Parliament. Let them know where you stand. I wrote to mine, Peter Kyle MP, over two weeks ago but he's not replied. Normally MPs reply quickly but...

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Why I Moved to Bosnia

Why I Moved to Bosnia

Daniel Craig was a good actor before he got turned into a bad-tempered robot for the Bond films. A great film he starred in, before the Bond franchise gobbled him up, was Layer Cake. It's one of those clever-witty-vicious crime films that the English are quite good...

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If I was Napoleon

If I was Napoleon

If I was planning to invade Russia with a massive land army (Napoleon went in with 635,000 men and emerged with about 20,000) I would set off in the middle of winter. "But zat is madness your Highness," they would say. "Even the simplest peasant in from Bordeaux knows...

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My view on Scottish independence

My view on Scottish independence

Scottish independence is on the cards again and I've just published my view on the issue  in The National. You may be wondering why this divisive issue has emerged so soon after the last referendum and this can be explained in one word: BREXIT; a major change to the...

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Gabriel Pioaru
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